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10 samurai helmet basemesh

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Product description

10 samurai helmet basemesh

Using a base mesh is one of the best things to do to speed things up . This pack includes 10 samurai  helmet object that are available as a quad mesh.

Info about this products :

- 10 3D models as FBX and OBJ and MAX

- All models are under 10,000 tris

- Clean topology

no uv no texture

10 samurai helmet basemesh

Product description

10 samurai helmet basemesh

Using a base mesh is one of the best things to do to speed things up . This pack includes 10 samurai  helmet object that are available as a quad mesh.

Info about this products :

- 10 3D models as FBX and OBJ and MAX

- All models are under 10,000 tris

- Clean topology

no uv no texture

Product Details