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100 Patterns And Alphas African Style

Black Diamond
(11 ratings)
Product description

100 Patterns And Alphas African Style

This alphas will help you to detail the enviroments, cloths and ...
you can use it in substance painter to create amazing smart materials for african style.
you can use these patterns and alphas in substance painter/zbrush/blender/maya/3dsmax and ...
Resolution :4k
Format: Png

100 Patterns And Alphas African Style

Product description

100 Patterns And Alphas African Style

This alphas will help you to detail the enviroments, cloths and ...
you can use it in substance painter to create amazing smart materials for african style.
you can use these patterns and alphas in substance painter/zbrush/blender/maya/3dsmax and ...
Resolution :4k
Format: Png

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