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172 photos of WWI Aircraft
(2 ratings)
Product description

172 photos of WWI Aircraft

Some of the most widely used airplanes in the World War One.


1910 Etrich Taube (19 photos)

1912 Curtiss MF Flying Boat (11 photos)

1912 Royal Aircraft BE 2C (44 photos)

1913 Caproni (12 photos)

1915 Airco de Havilland DH-2 (11 photos)

1915 Fokker E III Eindecker (9 photos)

1915 Nieuport 24 (24 photos)

1916 Airco de Havilland DH-4 (16 photos)

1916 Halberstadt DIV (12 photos)

1917 Fokker DR I Dreidecker Triplane (14 photos)

1917 Pfalz D III (10 photos)

Included: 172 photos (282.23 MB)
Quality: 5184x3456
Equipment: Canon 600D, 70-300mm L, 17-85mm Tamron
Location: New Zealand
Content Type: Editorial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Military, Historical, Transport, New Zealand, WWI, Aircraft, aerodynamic, air, airborne, airplane, aviation, biplane, classic, combat, exhibition, fighter, flight, fuselage, industrial, mec

172 photos of WWI Aircraft

Product description

172 photos of WWI Aircraft

Some of the most widely used airplanes in the World War One.


1910 Etrich Taube (19 photos)

1912 Curtiss MF Flying Boat (11 photos)

1912 Royal Aircraft BE 2C (44 photos)

1913 Caproni (12 photos)

1915 Airco de Havilland DH-2 (11 photos)

1915 Fokker E III Eindecker (9 photos)

1915 Nieuport 24 (24 photos)

1916 Airco de Havilland DH-4 (16 photos)

1916 Halberstadt DIV (12 photos)

1917 Fokker DR I Dreidecker Triplane (14 photos)

1917 Pfalz D III (10 photos)

Included: 172 photos (282.23 MB)
Quality: 5184x3456
Equipment: Canon 600D, 70-300mm L, 17-85mm Tamron
Location: New Zealand
Content Type: Editorial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Military, Historical, Transport, New Zealand, WWI, Aircraft, aerodynamic, air, airborne, airplane, aviation, biplane, classic, combat, exhibition, fighter, flight, fuselage, industrial, mec

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