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266 photos of Tomb Raider Overgrown Ancient Temple
(2 ratings)
Product description

266 photos of Tomb Raider Overgrown Ancient Temple

12th-century Khmer temple that became known for its size and engagement with the giant fig trees that were in process of consuming temple buildings.

This is a great reference study of an iconic ancient location used widely in games and video production. 

Overgrowing trees became a spectacular backdrop for a Tomb Raider movie in the early 2000s.

Included: 266 photos (1739 MB)
Quality: 6000 x 4000
Equipment: Sony A7C, 24-240mm
Location: Cambodia
Content Type: Commercial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Historical, Temples, Urban, Landmarks, Abandoned, Cambodia, Tomb, Raider, Overgrown, Ancient, Temple, angkor, angkor wat, ankgkorwat, antique, archaeology, archeology, architecture, art, asia, brown, buddha, buddhism, building, cambodian, carved, carving, carvings, castle, church, closeup, complex, courtyard, cultural, culture, entrance, exterior, facade, gate, gateway, heritage, hindu

266 photos of Tomb Raider Overgrown Ancient Temple

Product description

266 photos of Tomb Raider Overgrown Ancient Temple

12th-century Khmer temple that became known for its size and engagement with the giant fig trees that were in process of consuming temple buildings.

This is a great reference study of an iconic ancient location used widely in games and video production. 

Overgrowing trees became a spectacular backdrop for a Tomb Raider movie in the early 2000s.

Included: 266 photos (1739 MB)
Quality: 6000 x 4000
Equipment: Sony A7C, 24-240mm
Location: Cambodia
Content Type: Commercial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Historical, Temples, Urban, Landmarks, Abandoned, Cambodia, Tomb, Raider, Overgrown, Ancient, Temple, angkor, angkor wat, ankgkorwat, antique, archaeology, archeology, architecture, art, asia, brown, buddha, buddhism, building, cambodian, carved, carving, carvings, castle, church, closeup, complex, courtyard, cultural, culture, entrance, exterior, facade, gate, gateway, heritage, hindu

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