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296 photos of Single-Drop Epic Waterall
(2 ratings)
Product description

296 photos of Single-Drop Epic Waterall

Camera and drone exploration of 268 meter water drop.

It allows you see the various cliff faces, rocks surcafes, boulders, s streams and, and water pools.

You can study the water basin with the rocks pile that were broght over from tthe top of the watefall to the bottom.

Included: 296 photos (2213 MB)
Equipment: Sony A7C, 24-240, Dji Mini 2
Location: Queensland, Australia
Content Type: Commercial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Nature, Rivers and Lakes, Queensland, Australia, Single-Drop, Epic, Waterall, clean, creek, current, fall, flow, flowing, fluid, fresh, freshness, gray, high, land, liquid, river, rocks, rocky, rough, scenic, splash, splatter, stones, stream, textured, torrent, tropical, vertical, water, waterfall, wet, super, tall, long, pile, cliffs, aerial, drone.

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296 photos of Single-Drop Epic Waterall

Product description

296 photos of Single-Drop Epic Waterall

Camera and drone exploration of 268 meter water drop.

It allows you see the various cliff faces, rocks surcafes, boulders, s streams and, and water pools.

You can study the water basin with the rocks pile that were broght over from tthe top of the watefall to the bottom.

Included: 296 photos (2213 MB)
Equipment: Sony A7C, 24-240, Dji Mini 2
Location: Queensland, Australia
Content Type: Commercial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Nature, Rivers and Lakes, Queensland, Australia, Single-Drop, Epic, Waterall, clean, creek, current, fall, flow, flowing, fluid, fresh, freshness, gray, high, land, liquid, river, rocks, rocky, rough, scenic, splash, splatter, stones, stream, textured, torrent, tropical, vertical, water, waterfall, wet, super, tall, long, pile, cliffs, aerial, drone.

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