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30 Bridal Crown & Headband

Black Diamond
(11 ratings)
Product description

30 Bridal Crown & Headband

If you are looking for a special product, this pack is for you.

In this pack, we made 50 very high quality hats for men and women full of details for you so that you can easily use them in your projects.

The models have a standard topology and can be easily changed in any shapes and have a suitable and optimal polygons the number of polygons of the models is on average 3,000 Tris .

Also all the models can be used in all softwares

Available formats:

  • Fbx
  • Obj
  • Blend

Your satisfaction is our first priority.
We make best product for you .

30 Bridal Crown & Headband

Product description

30 Bridal Crown & Headband

If you are looking for a special product, this pack is for you.

In this pack, we made 50 very high quality hats for men and women full of details for you so that you can easily use them in your projects.

The models have a standard topology and can be easily changed in any shapes and have a suitable and optimal polygons the number of polygons of the models is on average 3,000 Tris .

Also all the models can be used in all softwares

Available formats:

  • Fbx
  • Obj
  • Blend

Your satisfaction is our first priority.
We make best product for you .

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