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45 fiber fabric alpha brush bundle (2k tiff 16 bit)

(44 ratings)
Product description
1 ratings

45 fiber fabric alpha brush bundle (2k tiff 16 bit)

fiber fabric alpha brush bundle provide micro detail for a variety of your cloth and fabric projects. 2k high quality heightmaps bring more realism and detail to your workflow and make your work easier

include 45 high quality height maps

  • 2048*2048 some tilable

  •  tiff 16 bit 

  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc
    • file include:

      • alphas folder

      • previews folder

45 fiber fabric alpha brush bundle (2k tiff 16 bit)

Product description
1 ratings

45 fiber fabric alpha brush bundle (2k tiff 16 bit)

fiber fabric alpha brush bundle provide micro detail for a variety of your cloth and fabric projects. 2k high quality heightmaps bring more realism and detail to your workflow and make your work easier

include 45 high quality height maps

  • 2048*2048 some tilable

  •  tiff 16 bit 

  • able to use in zbrush, mudbox, 3dcoat, blender etc
    • file include:

      • alphas folder

      • previews folder

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