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50 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 03

Hossein Hatami
(113 ratings)
Product description

50 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 03

This Product include 50 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 03

I tried to make an optimal and light product, I hope it will make your cartoon faster and more beautiful.


You can get an exceptional product by buying this product....So buy now.



 Information about this product:


    • 50 Trim Brushes (ZBP) ver : 2018.1

    • PNG  (Alpha 4K)16 bits

    • TIF     (Alpha 4K)16 bits

    • PSD   (Alpha 4K)16 bits

    • Catalog


    Note :

    To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018.1


    similar products: 


    70 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 01

    90 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 02


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    140 Ornament Brush +3DModel + IMM Brush – VOL 01



    50 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 03

    Product description

    50 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 03

    This Product include 50 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 03

    I tried to make an optimal and light product, I hope it will make your cartoon faster and more beautiful.


    You can get an exceptional product by buying this product....So buy now.



     Information about this product:


      • 50 Trim Brushes (ZBP) ver : 2018.1

      • PNG  (Alpha 4K)16 bits

      • TIF     (Alpha 4K)16 bits

      • PSD   (Alpha 4K)16 bits

      • Catalog


      Note :

      To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018.1


      similar products: 


      70 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 01

      90 Ornament Trim Brushes Vol 02


      Other products:



      140 Ornament Brush +3DModel + IMM Brush – VOL 01


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