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50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes + Alpha ( Tileable 4k-16bit) Vol.03

Omid Mousakhani
(70 ratings)
Product description

50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes + Alpha ( Tileable 4k-16bit) Vol.03

50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes + Alpha ( Tileable 4k-16bit) Vol.03

Every Sci-Fi environment or anything like that has many repetitive patterns or lines. In this package, you can find many useful patterns that you can use in your work with any workflow. 

You can use these ZBrush brushes or using alphas in substance painter. This package can increase your speed and help design your environment faster than before.

This Product includes 50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes for Zbrush and 50 Alpha 4K

info about this Product : 

  • 50 Brushes & Alpha (4k Resolution )

  • Zbrush Brush (ZBP)

  • Alpha ( png, tif, psd, jpg )

  • JPG and PDF Catalog
    • Note : 

      To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018

      Please rate and review this Product! It could be very helpful for us, and we appreciate that!

50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes + Alpha ( Tileable 4k-16bit) Vol.03

Product description

50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes + Alpha ( Tileable 4k-16bit) Vol.03

50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes + Alpha ( Tileable 4k-16bit) Vol.03

Every Sci-Fi environment or anything like that has many repetitive patterns or lines. In this package, you can find many useful patterns that you can use in your work with any workflow. 

You can use these ZBrush brushes or using alphas in substance painter. This package can increase your speed and help design your environment faster than before.

This Product includes 50 Sci-fi Seam Brushes for Zbrush and 50 Alpha 4K

info about this Product : 

  • 50 Brushes & Alpha (4k Resolution )

  • Zbrush Brush (ZBP)

  • Alpha ( png, tif, psd, jpg )

  • JPG and PDF Catalog
    • Note : 

      To use the ZBrush brushes you need to use at least ZBrush 2018

      Please rate and review this Product! It could be very helpful for us, and we appreciate that!

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