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50 Wound Brushes + Alpha

Mehran Jabbrpour
(1 ratings)
Product description

50 Wound Brushes + Alpha

We put diversity on the agenda so that you can easily create any wound such as a knife wound, animal bite, bullet wound and fantasy wounds, we also made some wounds for specific body parts, such as a skin tear on the hand. .

* All brushes are hand scalped

* We made 16-bit alpha for all brushes 

* PSD,Png

* 2k  Alphas

* Vdm Brushes

* All brushes are separated 

* 10 Knife Wounds

* 10 Bullet Wounds

* 10 Bite Wounds

* 20 Fantasy Bite (Burn,Stitch,Claw,Joker Face,Eyes,Bones)

50 Wound Brushes + Alpha

Product description

50 Wound Brushes + Alpha

We put diversity on the agenda so that you can easily create any wound such as a knife wound, animal bite, bullet wound and fantasy wounds, we also made some wounds for specific body parts, such as a skin tear on the hand. .

* All brushes are hand scalped

* We made 16-bit alpha for all brushes 

* PSD,Png

* 2k  Alphas

* Vdm Brushes

* All brushes are separated 

* 10 Knife Wounds

* 10 Bullet Wounds

* 10 Bite Wounds

* 20 Fantasy Bite (Burn,Stitch,Claw,Joker Face,Eyes,Bones)

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