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62 Lace Fabric Material_SBSAR_4 Free samples_VOL.10

mozhdeh parizi
(6 ratings)
Product description

62 Lace Fabric Material_SBSAR_4 Free samples_VOL.10

Here is a set of 62 LACE  Fabric Material -Sbsar+ 4 free samples   made entirely in substance designer .


Package Contains: 


62 LACE material  .Sbsar 

4 free samples 

changing shader setting + texture set setting

You can change these parameters in each material :  


base color



normal format


lace fabric amount



shader setting in substance painter should be in PBR_METAL_ROUGH_WITH_ALPHA_TEST.Because the default program is variable with these parameters.Also, the Opacity layer should be added to the layers.The method of changes is shown in the photo in the product content.


A photo is related to changing shader setting

B photo is adding opacity layer.



 You can use the SBSAR files in Substances designer-Substance painter-Substance Player(free Software) or any software that read .sbsar for use or exporting the maps . 


Please rate and review this Product. It could be very helpful for us, and we appreciate that.Hope you enjoy it . 

62 Lace Fabric Material_SBSAR_4 Free samples_VOL.10

Product description

62 Lace Fabric Material_SBSAR_4 Free samples_VOL.10

Here is a set of 62 LACE  Fabric Material -Sbsar+ 4 free samples   made entirely in substance designer .


Package Contains: 


62 LACE material  .Sbsar 

4 free samples 

changing shader setting + texture set setting

You can change these parameters in each material :  


base color



normal format


lace fabric amount



shader setting in substance painter should be in PBR_METAL_ROUGH_WITH_ALPHA_TEST.Because the default program is variable with these parameters.Also, the Opacity layer should be added to the layers.The method of changes is shown in the photo in the product content.


A photo is related to changing shader setting

B photo is adding opacity layer.



 You can use the SBSAR files in Substances designer-Substance painter-Substance Player(free Software) or any software that read .sbsar for use or exporting the maps . 


Please rate and review this Product. It could be very helpful for us, and we appreciate that.Hope you enjoy it . 

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