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67 photos of Sabre Reconassaince Vehicle
(2 ratings)
Product description

67 photos of Sabre Reconassaince Vehicle

Sabre is a variation of a combat reconnaissance vehicle that had a short history of British service from mid 1990s to mid 2000s. It was considered to be unsuccessful due to low defense capabilities.

A selfie stick with a mobile phone has been used for reaching top elements.

Included: 67 photos (663 MB)
Quality: 6000x4000
Equipment: Sony A7C, 28-60mm, Xiaomi Mi 9T
Location: Australia
Content Type: Editorial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Military, Tanks, Transport, Australia, Sabre, Reconassaince, Vehicle, modern, armor, armored, armour, arms, army, artillery, bank, base, battle, cannon, close, conflict, defense, display, explosive, fight, firepower, forces, front, gun, heavy, machine, modification, old, power, second, tank, tracks, transportation, weapon.

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67 photos of Sabre Reconassaince Vehicle

Product description

67 photos of Sabre Reconassaince Vehicle

Sabre is a variation of a combat reconnaissance vehicle that had a short history of British service from mid 1990s to mid 2000s. It was considered to be unsuccessful due to low defense capabilities.

A selfie stick with a mobile phone has been used for reaching top elements.

Included: 67 photos (663 MB)
Quality: 6000x4000
Equipment: Sony A7C, 28-60mm, Xiaomi Mi 9T
Location: Australia
Content Type: Editorial (refer to this guide on how you can use such material)

Keywords: Reference, Concept Art, Matte Painting, Illustration, Photobash, Game Art, Game Dev, Game Development, Digital Art, Drawing, VFX, CGI, Textures, Stock Photos, Photo Pack, Photopack, Military, Tanks, Transport, Australia, Sabre, Reconassaince, Vehicle, modern, armor, armored, armour, arms, army, artillery, bank, base, battle, cannon, close, conflict, defense, display, explosive, fight, firepower, forces, front, gun, heavy, machine, modification, old, power, second, tank, tracks, transportation, weapon.

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