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80 City Asset Kitbash

(1 ratings)
Product description

80 City Asset Kitbash

fbx and obj to use all 3d softwares such as 3ds max, maya, zbrush, substance painter, blender

includes: fire extinguisher, wheelbarrow, street bins, benchs, ralilngs, singns, stands, lockers storages to model urban spaces, city environment and streets.

file formats: obj fbx blender, 3ds max

no UW map, no materials and texturuer

80 City Asset Kitbash

Product description

80 City Asset Kitbash

fbx and obj to use all 3d softwares such as 3ds max, maya, zbrush, substance painter, blender

includes: fire extinguisher, wheelbarrow, street bins, benchs, ralilngs, singns, stands, lockers storages to model urban spaces, city environment and streets.

file formats: obj fbx blender, 3ds max

no UW map, no materials and texturuer

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