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B4D Tools 1.4.0 (Cloners or Advance Arrays with Effectors) - C4D Mograph Similar

Manuel Lopez
(1 ratings)
Product description

B4D Tools 1.4.0 (Cloners or Advance Arrays with Effectors) - C4D Mograph Similar

B4D Tools are tools to help the C4D Artists on Blender. As a user of Cinema 4D, most features of the MoGraph system, I decided to create a similar tool in Blender.

As well for non-C4D Artists are great tools for cloning assets, Animations, Motion Graphics...etc.

Get B4D Tools BCloners with Effectors 1.4.0 for 14.99 €. (The price will change with respect to the number of available tools in the future).

NEW!! Preferences Option to choose if you want the addon on the T or N panel.

Installation: Fast and easy!

How does it work?

With 1- 3 Clicks you can create the common Mograph effects on Blender with this tool.

What kind of objects can be cloned with B4D Tools?


- With 6 BCloners: BCloner Linear, GridArray, Radial, HoneyComb Array, Spline and Object.


- NOW! with 14 Effectors: Effector Plain, Random, Step, Target, Delay, ImageTex, NoiseTex, Sound, Inheritance, Spline, Volume, Time, Formula and Push Apart.


With 3 Special Falloffs: Custom Curve Falloff, ColorRamp and Noise.

- BC

B4D Tools 1.4.0 (Cloners or Advance Arrays with Effectors) - C4D Mograph Similar

Product description

B4D Tools 1.4.0 (Cloners or Advance Arrays with Effectors) - C4D Mograph Similar

B4D Tools are tools to help the C4D Artists on Blender. As a user of Cinema 4D, most features of the MoGraph system, I decided to create a similar tool in Blender.

As well for non-C4D Artists are great tools for cloning assets, Animations, Motion Graphics...etc.

Get B4D Tools BCloners with Effectors 1.4.0 for 14.99 €. (The price will change with respect to the number of available tools in the future).

NEW!! Preferences Option to choose if you want the addon on the T or N panel.

Installation: Fast and easy!

How does it work?

With 1- 3 Clicks you can create the common Mograph effects on Blender with this tool.

What kind of objects can be cloned with B4D Tools?


- With 6 BCloners: BCloner Linear, GridArray, Radial, HoneyComb Array, Spline and Object.


- NOW! with 14 Effectors: Effector Plain, Random, Step, Target, Delay, ImageTex, NoiseTex, Sound, Inheritance, Spline, Volume, Time, Formula and Push Apart.


With 3 Special Falloffs: Custom Curve Falloff, ColorRamp and Noise.

- BC
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