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Basemesh 01

Carel Jordaan
(18 ratings)
Product description

Basemesh 01

Base Mesh 01: .OBJ , .FBX Format
There are 3 figures:
1) Baby
2) Female
3) Male
Each Figure contains the following parts: UV Mapped
1) Body
2) Eyes
3) Lacrimals
4) Inner Mouth
5) Gums
6) Teeth
7) Tongue
All 3 base meshes have the same Poly and vertex count so that they can be used to morph between the figures to create your own figures.
Each Mesh contains:
20584 Vertices
20276 Polygons
99.9% Quids

Basemesh 01

Product description

Basemesh 01

Base Mesh 01: .OBJ , .FBX Format
There are 3 figures:
1) Baby
2) Female
3) Male
Each Figure contains the following parts: UV Mapped
1) Body
2) Eyes
3) Lacrimals
4) Inner Mouth
5) Gums
6) Teeth
7) Tongue
All 3 base meshes have the same Poly and vertex count so that they can be used to morph between the figures to create your own figures.
Each Mesh contains:
20584 Vertices
20276 Polygons
99.9% Quids

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