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Basic Belt Curve Brush for ZBrush 2021

S3ART Store
(9 ratings)
Product description

Basic Belt Curve Brush for ZBrush 2021

This curve brush contains 4 tipes of belts, 3 of them have holes and the last one have a flat surface with rounded end, it can be used to finish the other tipes of belt.

In this package we can find two brushes, the both contains the same belt tipes but with some diferences:

BasicBeltCE_IMM.ZBP: This one is thought with the "Tri Parts" option enabled so it have closed ends "CE". It means that you can't weld the ends of the belt, instead it has a rounded mesh in both sides.

BasicBeltOE_IMM.ZBP: This one has the "Tri Parts" option disabled so it have closed ends "OE". With this one you can weld the ends of the belt, for example, to perfectly encircle a cylinder.

Basic Belt Curve Brush for ZBrush 2021

Product description

Basic Belt Curve Brush for ZBrush 2021

This curve brush contains 4 tipes of belts, 3 of them have holes and the last one have a flat surface with rounded end, it can be used to finish the other tipes of belt.

In this package we can find two brushes, the both contains the same belt tipes but with some diferences:

BasicBeltCE_IMM.ZBP: This one is thought with the "Tri Parts" option enabled so it have closed ends "CE". It means that you can't weld the ends of the belt, instead it has a rounded mesh in both sides.

BasicBeltOE_IMM.ZBP: This one has the "Tri Parts" option disabled so it have closed ends "OE". With this one you can weld the ends of the belt, for example, to perfectly encircle a cylinder.

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