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Blender 2.8x Fundamentals: Basic 3D Modeling and Look Development

Product description

Blender 2.8x Fundamentals: Basic 3D Modeling and Look Development

If you want to learn 3D from zero, meaning no prior experience needed at all. Then you’ve come to the right place. This course will teach you the fundamentals of 3D skills using Blender 2.8 or above. The curriculum in this course is carefully designed so that students can learn gradually from the easiest lesson to the more advanced lessons, seamlessly. After completing this course you should be able to model a robot like this, add materials to it, create lights, and then render it using the EEVEE rendering engine.

What you will learn from this course

You are going to learn so many things in this course. They are just too many to cover in this short introduction article. But just for a quick summary. The course is divided into 4 parts.

Part 1: Blender essentials

  • Blender’s UI

  • Viewport navigation

  • Basic object operations

  • Basic transformation

  • Interaction modes

  • Basic mesh editing

  • Etc

    • Part 2: Look development

Blender 2.8x Fundamentals: Basic 3D Modeling and Look Development

Product description

Blender 2.8x Fundamentals: Basic 3D Modeling and Look Development

If you want to learn 3D from zero, meaning no prior experience needed at all. Then you’ve come to the right place. This course will teach you the fundamentals of 3D skills using Blender 2.8 or above. The curriculum in this course is carefully designed so that students can learn gradually from the easiest lesson to the more advanced lessons, seamlessly. After completing this course you should be able to model a robot like this, add materials to it, create lights, and then render it using the EEVEE rendering engine.

What you will learn from this course

You are going to learn so many things in this course. They are just too many to cover in this short introduction article. But just for a quick summary. The course is divided into 4 parts.

Part 1: Blender essentials

  • Blender’s UI

  • Viewport navigation

  • Basic object operations

  • Basic transformation

  • Interaction modes

  • Basic mesh editing

  • Etc

    • Part 2: Look development

Tutorial Details
Skill Level
11 hours 10 minutes