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Book collection set
Collection contains 57 different book with defferent textures. Every row of books is grouped and the whole model is also grouped
- file unit: mm
- polys: 79,203
- verts: 81,408
- 3ds max 2014 with V-RAY next update 2
- 3ds max 2014 with CORONA 4.0
- .obj file with mtl
- Autodesk FBX(.fbx) with CORONA and V-RAY
Archive contains:
preview renders - corona
3dsMax (.max) files are saved in version 2014, so it is recommended to open them in versions 3dsMax 2014 above For the render, Corona Renderer (4.0) and Vray (next update2) were used.
Book collection set
30% off
Personal License
For use on personal projects
Files (1)
58.8 MB
Total size: 58.8 MB
30% off
Commercial License
For use on commercial projects
Files (1)
58.8 MB
Total size: 58.8 MB
Book collection set
Collection contains 57 different book with defferent textures. Every row of books is grouped and the whole model is also grouped
- file unit: mm
- polys: 79,203
- verts: 81,408
- 3ds max 2014 with V-RAY next update 2
- 3ds max 2014 with CORONA 4.0
- .obj file with mtl
- Autodesk FBX(.fbx) with CORONA and V-RAY
Archive contains:
preview renders - corona
3dsMax (.max) files are saved in version 2014, so it is recommended to open them in versions 3dsMax 2014 above For the render, Corona Renderer (4.0) and Vray (next update2) were used.