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Staff Pick

Creature Kitbash

Jamie Dunbar
(4 ratings)
Product description

Creature Kitbash

Creature Kitbash is a growing library of humanoid and creature assets you can combine to create all the weird and wonderful creatures of your dreams - or nightmares!

With tools to quickly combine and mirror your beasts, you'll be doing the monster mash in no time!

Work like a pro

Sculpting creatures is difficult and time consuming. Thanks to YouTube, most people think you're supposed to start from a sphere and sculpt a creature entirely from scratch. In reality, professionals rarely do this. It simply takes too much time and client's aren't willing to wait that long. Or pay that much!

Most studios have a secret library of assets they use to 'kitbash' new creatures, effectively skipping the process of making a basemesh and allowing them to get to the detailing (and more fun) stage of sculpting that much faster.

I spent over a year collecting, modelling and preparing one of these 'secret' libraries, so now you can have access to the same types of assets and workflows used by professionals.

All of these assets can be 'kitbashed' or combined into a literally infinite number of creatures, limited only by your imagination. Creating creatures like these can be achieved in minutes, not days.

A growing library

Currently the Creature Kitbash library consists

Staff Pick

Creature Kitbash

Product description

Creature Kitbash

Creature Kitbash is a growing library of humanoid and creature assets you can combine to create all the weird and wonderful creatures of your dreams - or nightmares!

With tools to quickly combine and mirror your beasts, you'll be doing the monster mash in no time!

Work like a pro

Sculpting creatures is difficult and time consuming. Thanks to YouTube, most people think you're supposed to start from a sphere and sculpt a creature entirely from scratch. In reality, professionals rarely do this. It simply takes too much time and client's aren't willing to wait that long. Or pay that much!

Most studios have a secret library of assets they use to 'kitbash' new creatures, effectively skipping the process of making a basemesh and allowing them to get to the detailing (and more fun) stage of sculpting that much faster.

I spent over a year collecting, modelling and preparing one of these 'secret' libraries, so now you can have access to the same types of assets and workflows used by professionals.

All of these assets can be 'kitbashed' or combined into a literally infinite number of creatures, limited only by your imagination. Creating creatures like these can be achieved in minutes, not days.

A growing library

Currently the Creature Kitbash library consists

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