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Damaged Plaster Wall | Substance Designer Tutorial

Daniel Thiger
(45 ratings)
Product description
5 ratings

Damaged Plaster Wall | Substance Designer Tutorial

Build alongside a reference from TextureLib of a damaged plaster wall. Learn the steps behind how to build a damaged plaster wall from start to finish.

Use this tutorial as a detailed step by step guide for how to recreate this material, as well as how to utilize the graph to generate variations.

This tutorial follows a live build along format, where I go through how to build each of the components in the graph including:

  • Base Shapes
  • Shape manipulation and layering
  • Creating Rebar shapes and patterns
  • Creation of the Base Color

    • Skill Level

      Intermediate Level, you should be familiar with the basic nodes and workflows in Substance Designer.


      • 1 hour 40 minutes Build Along covering the entire graph from start to finish
      • 1080 Resolution
      • Dete Directional Warp
      • Dete Base Setup
      • Additional nodes available free on Substance Share

        • License

          Persona, and Commercial Licenses are available. Personal licenses do NOT apply to companies or organizations. Sharing, streaming, and redistribution to third-party is strictly prohibited.

Damaged Plaster Wall | Substance Designer Tutorial

Product description
5 ratings

Damaged Plaster Wall | Substance Designer Tutorial

Build alongside a reference from TextureLib of a damaged plaster wall. Learn the steps behind how to build a damaged plaster wall from start to finish.

Use this tutorial as a detailed step by step guide for how to recreate this material, as well as how to utilize the graph to generate variations.

This tutorial follows a live build along format, where I go through how to build each of the components in the graph including:

  • Base Shapes
  • Shape manipulation and layering
  • Creating Rebar shapes and patterns
  • Creation of the Base Color

    • Skill Level

      Intermediate Level, you should be familiar with the basic nodes and workflows in Substance Designer.


      • 1 hour 40 minutes Build Along covering the entire graph from start to finish
      • 1080 Resolution
      • Dete Directional Warp
      • Dete Base Setup
      • Additional nodes available free on Substance Share

        • License

          Persona, and Commercial Licenses are available. Personal licenses do NOT apply to companies or organizations. Sharing, streaming, and redistribution to third-party is strictly prohibited.

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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
1 hour 38 minutes