Empty Pendant III - 3D Print Ready
Print ready pendant with nothing, so you can put any thing inside.
Measure units are millimeters, it is about 20 mm in diameter.
Mesh is manifold, no holes, no inverted faces, no bad contiguous edges.
Here is two versions of the model:
1) Empt_pndx_parts. (.blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) The file contains the pendant that consist of 92476 triangular faces. Parts are separate objects (before boolean operations)
2) Empt_pndx_solid. (.blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) The file contains the pendant that is one solid object.
Empty Pendant III - 3D Print Ready
Empty Pendant III - 3D Print Ready
Print ready pendant with nothing, so you can put any thing inside.
Measure units are millimeters, it is about 20 mm in diameter.
Mesh is manifold, no holes, no inverted faces, no bad contiguous edges.
Here is two versions of the model:
1) Empt_pndx_parts. (.blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) The file contains the pendant that consist of 92476 triangular faces. Parts are separate objects (before boolean operations)
2) Empt_pndx_solid. (.blend, .fbx, .obj, .stl, .dae) The file contains the pendant that is one solid object.