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Facial Anatomy & Portrait for Blender Artists

(165 ratings)
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4 ratings

Facial Anatomy & Portrait for Blender Artists

Have you tried sculpting and texturing a realistic face and no matter how much effort you put into it, it doesn't turn out the way you want it? Are you just fed up of not getting anywhere with your skillset? Then welcome to the Facial Anatomy and Portrait Course for Blender Artists. My name is Corazon Bryant, professional 3D artist and educator. I will be your instructor here.

In this course, we will take the time to truly understand the underlying structure of the human face. We will dive in deep and study the facial anatomy the correct way by dissecting each important parts of the skull, fat, and muscles. You will gain exceptional observational skills that will allow you to identify every little bump and forms that show on the surface of the human face.

After you obtain the foundation of the facial anatomy, you will apply what you have learned by creating a realistic portrait. We will sculpt and make connections between our references and our anatomy knowledge. I will show you have to retopologize, unwrap, bake and texture. We will create custom skin stamps that we can utilize as high resolution textures for skin pores and wrinkles. Another huge part of creating believable skin is understanding the nodes of Blender and how to construct a network of them to achieve lifelike results.

We will make realistic eyes, eyebrows, lashes, facial fuzz, and hair. Vertex group and weight painting are significant methods we will use to control our particle hair sys

Staff Pick

Facial Anatomy & Portrait for Blender Artists

Product description
4 ratings

Facial Anatomy & Portrait for Blender Artists

Have you tried sculpting and texturing a realistic face and no matter how much effort you put into it, it doesn't turn out the way you want it? Are you just fed up of not getting anywhere with your skillset? Then welcome to the Facial Anatomy and Portrait Course for Blender Artists. My name is Corazon Bryant, professional 3D artist and educator. I will be your instructor here.

In this course, we will take the time to truly understand the underlying structure of the human face. We will dive in deep and study the facial anatomy the correct way by dissecting each important parts of the skull, fat, and muscles. You will gain exceptional observational skills that will allow you to identify every little bump and forms that show on the surface of the human face.

After you obtain the foundation of the facial anatomy, you will apply what you have learned by creating a realistic portrait. We will sculpt and make connections between our references and our anatomy knowledge. I will show you have to retopologize, unwrap, bake and texture. We will create custom skin stamps that we can utilize as high resolution textures for skin pores and wrinkles. Another huge part of creating believable skin is understanding the nodes of Blender and how to construct a network of them to achieve lifelike results.

We will make realistic eyes, eyebrows, lashes, facial fuzz, and hair. Vertex group and weight painting are significant methods we will use to control our particle hair sys

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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
40 hours 17 minutes