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Fire FX Pack A - Maya FX Rig

(43 ratings)
Product description

Fire FX Pack A - Maya FX Rig

Fire Pack A comes with 2 fire elements - Fire A and Fire B.

-Fire A is simple, just a looping campfire styled element.

-Fire B gives you the ability to ignite, loop and extinguish.

So Fire A is good for fires which just continually loop, and fire B is good for fires that start and end, and also continually loop. Both of them give you control over speed, offset frame, and have Auto Loop.

The shaders are simple surface shaders, and can be easily replaced. Like all my ShapeMeshing assets, these effects are extremely lightweight and will run on even lower-end workstations. As you can see in this sample scene, running a ton of assets together is no problem. The pack comes with Fire A, Fire B and the sample scene, however the smoke you see is my SmokeB asset and is not included in the pack.

Questions? Comments?  General praise?  Hit me up and I'll drop everything to get back to you in 24 hours.

Fire FX Pack A - Maya FX Rig

Product description

Fire FX Pack A - Maya FX Rig

Fire Pack A comes with 2 fire elements - Fire A and Fire B.

-Fire A is simple, just a looping campfire styled element.

-Fire B gives you the ability to ignite, loop and extinguish.

So Fire A is good for fires which just continually loop, and fire B is good for fires that start and end, and also continually loop. Both of them give you control over speed, offset frame, and have Auto Loop.

The shaders are simple surface shaders, and can be easily replaced. Like all my ShapeMeshing assets, these effects are extremely lightweight and will run on even lower-end workstations. As you can see in this sample scene, running a ton of assets together is no problem. The pack comes with Fire A, Fire B and the sample scene, however the smoke you see is my SmokeB asset and is not included in the pack.

Questions? Comments?  General praise?  Hit me up and I'll drop everything to get back to you in 24 hours.

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