Fire Trail Shapemesh FX Asset for Maya
The fire trail is a unique shapeMeshing asset in that it combines hand animated fire effects with dynamic particles. There are three variants of flame, each which get assigned to a random particle. The flames follow the velocity of the particles, so this effect can be used for static torch or campfire, but is designed for a flaming trail, like you'd see behind a flaming arrow.
This is a dynamic rig like my glass shatter, so to use this you need to set up your scene for dynamics. That means playback set to "play every frame" and the start frame of the solver set to on or after the start frame of your scene.
The end result can be cached and rendered from maya - or if you require an export as alembic it can be converted to abc with the ark inst_to_geo script (available for free here)
Fire Trail Shapemesh FX Asset for Maya
Fire Trail Shapemesh FX Asset for Maya
The fire trail is a unique shapeMeshing asset in that it combines hand animated fire effects with dynamic particles. There are three variants of flame, each which get assigned to a random particle. The flames follow the velocity of the particles, so this effect can be used for static torch or campfire, but is designed for a flaming trail, like you'd see behind a flaming arrow.
This is a dynamic rig like my glass shatter, so to use this you need to set up your scene for dynamics. That means playback set to "play every frame" and the start frame of the solver set to on or after the start frame of your scene.
The end result can be cached and rendered from maya - or if you require an export as alembic it can be converted to abc with the ark inst_to_geo script (available for free here)