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Foam and Bubbles Substance and maps

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Product description

Foam and Bubbles Substance and maps

Foam and bubbles can be quite challenging to recreate in 3D. This substance shader, along with the included maps, offers a solid starting point. I've also applied some shader tricks in the example, so I’ve included the Blender file for you to explore how everything works. In addition to the maps, the shader makes use of Subsurface Scattering to enhance the realism of the effect.

As always, you can use Adobe’s free Substance Player to export custom versions of the textures or to generate different patterns to suit your needs.

You can download the Player here:

Included are the following;

  • Foam_Bubbles_Scene.Blend
  • Foam_Bubbles.sbsar (Enabling you to export your own maps, Randomise is the only exposed option)
  • Foam_Bubbles_ambientOcclusion.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_baseColor.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_height.exr (32 bit greyscale for artifact free displcement, 4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_normal.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_Opacity.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_roughness.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)

The shader doesn't use a metallic map so this is not included but the value should be black or let's say 0 metallic

Foam and Bubbles Substance and maps

Product description

Foam and Bubbles Substance and maps

Foam and bubbles can be quite challenging to recreate in 3D. This substance shader, along with the included maps, offers a solid starting point. I've also applied some shader tricks in the example, so I’ve included the Blender file for you to explore how everything works. In addition to the maps, the shader makes use of Subsurface Scattering to enhance the realism of the effect.

As always, you can use Adobe’s free Substance Player to export custom versions of the textures or to generate different patterns to suit your needs.

You can download the Player here:

Included are the following;

  • Foam_Bubbles_Scene.Blend
  • Foam_Bubbles.sbsar (Enabling you to export your own maps, Randomise is the only exposed option)
  • Foam_Bubbles_ambientOcclusion.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_baseColor.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_height.exr (32 bit greyscale for artifact free displcement, 4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_normal.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_Opacity.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)
  • Foam_Bubbles_roughness.jpg (4096x4096, tilable)

The shader doesn't use a metallic map so this is not included but the value should be black or let's say 0 metallic

Product Details
Texture Resolution
4096 x 4096