Form & Anatomy Foundation
This is the course I wish I could have taken when I first began studying anatomy. It will give you some of the most important and powerful concepts in representational drawing. When you are familiar with these you can make anatomical knowledge your own. These concepts are the sort of fundamentals that transcend tools, software, medium and so on. The content of this course is best described as being made up of in-depth drawing demonstrations rather than lectures as such. Foundational forms like the cube, cylinder and sphere will be discussed, drawn, and worked with so that you can see how artists think with form.
We will discuss how realism and perspectival space is best understood as a type of language that you can manipulate, rather than just ‘the truth’ of how things look. Throughout, we will focus on the relationship between primary, secondary and tertiary form, and how all of the concepts introduced apply to human anatomy.
This course will provide you with information, but more importantly the course will show you how to think in form, and gain a strong conceptual foundation in structure. Once you develop an understanding of form it can be transferred to any software or tool: painting, drawing, sculpting, modelling - they are all about construction.
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Form & Anatomy Foundation
Form & Anatomy Foundation
This is the course I wish I could have taken when I first began studying anatomy. It will give you some of the most important and powerful concepts in representational drawing. When you are familiar with these you can make anatomical knowledge your own. These concepts are the sort of fundamentals that transcend tools, software, medium and so on. The content of this course is best described as being made up of in-depth drawing demonstrations rather than lectures as such. Foundational forms like the cube, cylinder and sphere will be discussed, drawn, and worked with so that you can see how artists think with form.
We will discuss how realism and perspectival space is best understood as a type of language that you can manipulate, rather than just ‘the truth’ of how things look. Throughout, we will focus on the relationship between primary, secondary and tertiary form, and how all of the concepts introduced apply to human anatomy.
This course will provide you with information, but more importantly the course will show you how to think in form, and gain a strong conceptual foundation in structure. Once you develop an understanding of form it can be transferred to any software or tool: painting, drawing, sculpting, modelling - they are all about construction.
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