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Staff Pick

Full pipeline of Highpoly Character render in Marmoset 4 + Compose in PS [RUS|ENG]

Mariia Anikina
(11 ratings)
Product description
2 ratings

Full pipeline of Highpoly Character render in Marmoset 4 + Compose in PS [RUS|ENG]

If you even nothing know about lightning or rendering - you'll learn light basics and how to understand the light. Except the light in this guide so a lot of information about any feature that you'll need in process. This tutorial is well as for beginners as for middle level, and for that people who want to improve their lighnint skills.

Knowledge base is suit for BPR too, only SSS pipeline will be another.

Video 100 min with Rus audio + ENG SUBTITLIES

Here's full pipeline of rendering Highpoly in Marmoset.
We'll talking about:

Chapter One Zbrush: Preparing models for export | Export

Chapter Two Basic settings for test render

Chapter Three HDRI, Camera settings and Shaders

Chapter Four LIGHTNING Theory. Guide with explanation and tips

Chapter Five Additional tools in Marmoset

Chapter Six Lightning practice

Chapter Seven Settings for the final render. Render passes + additional maps

Chapter Eight Compose in Photoshop

Staff Pick

Full pipeline of Highpoly Character render in Marmoset 4 + Compose in PS [RUS|ENG]

Product description
2 ratings

Full pipeline of Highpoly Character render in Marmoset 4 + Compose in PS [RUS|ENG]

If you even nothing know about lightning or rendering - you'll learn light basics and how to understand the light. Except the light in this guide so a lot of information about any feature that you'll need in process. This tutorial is well as for beginners as for middle level, and for that people who want to improve their lighnint skills.

Knowledge base is suit for BPR too, only SSS pipeline will be another.

Video 100 min with Rus audio + ENG SUBTITLIES

Here's full pipeline of rendering Highpoly in Marmoset.
We'll talking about:

Chapter One Zbrush: Preparing models for export | Export

Chapter Two Basic settings for test render

Chapter Three HDRI, Camera settings and Shaders

Chapter Four LIGHTNING Theory. Guide with explanation and tips

Chapter Five Additional tools in Marmoset

Chapter Six Lightning practice

Chapter Seven Settings for the final render. Render passes + additional maps

Chapter Eight Compose in Photoshop

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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
1 hour 37 minutes