put file to maya scripts folder
run script command in file
run in python tab, assign it on shelf for instance
here actual run script command:
import glFreezeRotate;glFreezeRotate.runCommand(('rx','ry','rz'),radius=.2,stepBake=3,applyFilter=1,sm=0)
tested in maya 2018 and 2022
tested on AdvancedSkeleton,mGerar and alot of custom rigs
link to tutorial:
1 Select one IK control(hand or foot)
2 with selected IK control run glFreezeRotate script
3 now IK control Rotation follow by overall arm (freeze behavior),
if change IK control position, or poleVector( elbow or knee)
Rotation of IK control will update
4 run glFreezeRotate again to delete this behavior (unFreeze), it will automaticlly
set key at Rotation channel
5 to freeze and unFreeze IK control you can select poleVector( elbow or knee)
condition here to at least one time freeze IK control ,
after that you can select poleVector( elbow or knee) to freeze and unFreeze IK control
6 for correct result poleVector( elbow or knee) should NOT follow IK control(hand or foot)
7 to bake freezed animation select specific range at timeLine
'stepBake' can be change
put file to maya scripts folder
run script command in file
run in python tab, assign it on shelf for instance
here actual run script command:
import glFreezeRotate;glFreezeRotate.runCommand(('rx','ry','rz'),radius=.2,stepBake=3,applyFilter=1,sm=0)
tested in maya 2018 and 2022
tested on AdvancedSkeleton,mGerar and alot of custom rigs
link to tutorial:
1 Select one IK control(hand or foot)
2 with selected IK control run glFreezeRotate script
3 now IK control Rotation follow by overall arm (freeze behavior),
if change IK control position, or poleVector( elbow or knee)
Rotation of IK control will update
4 run glFreezeRotate again to delete this behavior (unFreeze), it will automaticlly
set key at Rotation channel
5 to freeze and unFreeze IK control you can select poleVector( elbow or knee)
condition here to at least one time freeze IK control ,
after that you can select poleVector( elbow or knee) to freeze and unFreeze IK control
6 for correct result poleVector( elbow or knee) should NOT follow IK control(hand or foot)
7 to bake freezed animation select specific range at timeLine
'stepBake' can be change