Great White Sharks - Game Ready
This pack includes animated Great White Sharks ready to populate your underwater world. Included light and dark skin with 3 types of injury and + dead shark.
Files: Unity(2018.4), Unreal(4.26), FBX(7.2), Blender(2.92).
Number of characters: 3
Number of skins: 8
Materials(Unity): HDRP(Metallic) / Standard(metallic)
Number of Materials: 8
Textures: Albedo, Normals, MADS(Metallic, AO, Details, Gloss).
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096
Number of Textures: 16
Triangles: 8.393
Vertices: 4.583
Injured Shark:
Triangles: 8.221
Vertices: 4.361
Dead Shark:
Triangles: 5.061
Vertices: 2.784
UV mapping: Non-Overlapping
Rigged: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations:12
Included animation: Attack(4), Get hit, Hit, Death, Eat, Idle, Swim(2), Spin.
Great White Sharks - Game Ready
Great White Sharks - Game Ready
This pack includes animated Great White Sharks ready to populate your underwater world. Included light and dark skin with 3 types of injury and + dead shark.
Files: Unity(2018.4), Unreal(4.26), FBX(7.2), Blender(2.92).
Number of characters: 3
Number of skins: 8
Materials(Unity): HDRP(Metallic) / Standard(metallic)
Number of Materials: 8
Textures: Albedo, Normals, MADS(Metallic, AO, Details, Gloss).
Texture Resolutions: 4096x4096
Number of Textures: 16
Triangles: 8.393
Vertices: 4.583
Injured Shark:
Triangles: 8.221
Vertices: 4.361
Dead Shark:
Triangles: 5.061
Vertices: 2.784
UV mapping: Non-Overlapping
Rigged: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Animations:12
Included animation: Attack(4), Get hit, Hit, Death, Eat, Idle, Swim(2), Spin.