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HairTG - Surface

(2 ratings)
Product description

HairTG - Surface

HairTG-Surface procedurally generates PBR hair textures directly on a head or scalp mesh, without hair cards or other geometry. You may use it as is or as a base layer and add hair cards afterwards. It comes with an comprehensive suite of example projects and tutorial videos.

You may also check HairTG-Surface Pro which contains this tool as well as HairTG-Facial Hair and additional exclusive tools for Substance 3D Designer.

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Substance 3D Painter 7.2.3 or compatible version.


Version 2.0 considerably enhances the tool in ease of use, capabilities and output quality with new fiber generators for short/long hair and fur, new example projects and a whole new set of video tutorials replacing those of the earlier versions. Here is the overall features list:

  • Grow texture-based hair/fur on any surface, procedurally with dozens of parameters to drive the hair direction, length, aspect and other properties.
  • Four fiber generators using two generation technique:

HairTG - Surface

Product description

HairTG - Surface

HairTG-Surface procedurally generates PBR hair textures directly on a head or scalp mesh, without hair cards or other geometry. You may use it as is or as a base layer and add hair cards afterwards. It comes with an comprehensive suite of example projects and tutorial videos.

You may also check HairTG-Surface Pro which contains this tool as well as HairTG-Facial Hair and additional exclusive tools for Substance 3D Designer.

You may join our Discord server for support and discuss with the community.


Substance 3D Painter 7.2.3 or compatible version.


Version 2.0 considerably enhances the tool in ease of use, capabilities and output quality with new fiber generators for short/long hair and fur, new example projects and a whole new set of video tutorials replacing those of the earlier versions. Here is the overall features list:

  • Grow texture-based hair/fur on any surface, procedurally with dozens of parameters to drive the hair direction, length, aspect and other properties.
  • Four fiber generators using two generation technique:
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