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Staff Pick

HardSurface Modeling Foundation Tutorial

Milad Kambari
(60 ratings)
Product description
3 ratings

HardSurface Modeling Foundation Tutorial

Learning the basics of a job is one of the most important things to consider. In this course, you will master the principles of hard surface modeling, and in 2 complex and easy projects, you will learn how to use these principles. After seeing this tutorial, you need to practice to use these methods and techniques in various forms and models. Learn hard surface modeling in less than 4 hours and have fun.

After purchasing this tutorial,
You can access 220 minutes video tutorial with high quality in both audio and video.

  • HardSurface Modeling Essential
  • 220Min Full English Narrated Tutorial
  • Basics practice + 2 projects

    • Robatic Arm was Referenced by the David Letondor

Staff Pick

HardSurface Modeling Foundation Tutorial

Product description
3 ratings

HardSurface Modeling Foundation Tutorial

Learning the basics of a job is one of the most important things to consider. In this course, you will master the principles of hard surface modeling, and in 2 complex and easy projects, you will learn how to use these principles. After seeing this tutorial, you need to practice to use these methods and techniques in various forms and models. Learn hard surface modeling in less than 4 hours and have fun.

After purchasing this tutorial,
You can access 220 minutes video tutorial with high quality in both audio and video.

  • HardSurface Modeling Essential
  • 220Min Full English Narrated Tutorial
  • Basics practice + 2 projects

    • Robatic Arm was Referenced by the David Letondor

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