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Human Skin Kit (Tileable Alpha and Brush)

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Human Skin Kit (Tileable Alpha and Brush)

Achieving realistic skin details can take hours of meticulous work and attention to detail. But what if I told you there's an easier way? I've curated the best collection of skin brushes and alphas to help you create stunning human textures in minutes!

My handcrafted skin detail kit features brushes and textures that were meticulously crafted for use in creating stunning digital characters. I have spent hours perfecting these assets so that you can achieve the exact aesthetic you've been dreaming of. Don't believe me? Check out the slides and see the results for yourself!

But that's not all, I'm proud to present my comprehensive skin alpha and brush package, which includes must-have alphas to enhance the realism of your models and sculptures. You can add incredible high-resolution details to any part of the human body or face using these alphas. Plus, my alphas are compatible with all 3D software, including Zbrush, Blender, Substance Painter, Mudbox, and 3D Coat.

Professional artists know that incorporating alphas is the key to creating stunning models and textures without spending endless hours sculpting everything by hand. You can trust my skin kit to elevate your work to the next level of realism and artistry.

This pack included:

     •  40 Tiling Female Skin  Alphas (PSD / 2048*2048 / 16-bit)
     •  32 T

Human Skin Kit (Tileable Alpha and Brush)

Product description

Human Skin Kit (Tileable Alpha and Brush)

Achieving realistic skin details can take hours of meticulous work and attention to detail. But what if I told you there's an easier way? I've curated the best collection of skin brushes and alphas to help you create stunning human textures in minutes!

My handcrafted skin detail kit features brushes and textures that were meticulously crafted for use in creating stunning digital characters. I have spent hours perfecting these assets so that you can achieve the exact aesthetic you've been dreaming of. Don't believe me? Check out the slides and see the results for yourself!

But that's not all, I'm proud to present my comprehensive skin alpha and brush package, which includes must-have alphas to enhance the realism of your models and sculptures. You can add incredible high-resolution details to any part of the human body or face using these alphas. Plus, my alphas are compatible with all 3D software, including Zbrush, Blender, Substance Painter, Mudbox, and 3D Coat.

Professional artists know that incorporating alphas is the key to creating stunning models and textures without spending endless hours sculpting everything by hand. You can trust my skin kit to elevate your work to the next level of realism and artistry.

This pack included:

     •  40 Tiling Female Skin  Alphas (PSD / 2048*2048 / 16-bit)
     •  32 T

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