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Introduction to Character Rigging in Maya

Nexttut Education
(373 ratings)
Product description
5 ratings

Introduction to Character Rigging in Maya

If you want to rig a character inside Maya and you have never done it before then you are at the right place. This is Next tut Education’s “Introduction to Character Rigging in Maya” complete tutorial course. A complete guide for you to learn the fundamentals of rigging and Character rigging.


My name is Marijan Tanevski, I am 3D character rigging artist for game and TV projects with nearly a decade of rigging experience, I have provided various rigging work for many projects.


By the end of this course, you will be able to rig a basic character using Maya.

In this course, we will cover

  • Maya Rigging Essential
  • A Practical character rigging project

    • We`re going to explore the Maya`s rigging section, how to use the Maya`s rigging tools, constraints, and create a character rig from scratch! Through this journey, we`ll learn the Maya starting from the very basics. How objects are structured, how to make connections, what are deformers, and much more!

      Once you learn the core essentials of rigging, we will start the character rigging project. Everything will be step by step, real-time and I will not skip anything so that you can easily follow along with the course. I will also give all the exercise files for each lecture video so that you can use those to practice alongside watching the videos.


      You need to have Maya basic knowledge in o

Introduction to Character Rigging in Maya

Product description
5 ratings

Introduction to Character Rigging in Maya

If you want to rig a character inside Maya and you have never done it before then you are at the right place. This is Next tut Education’s “Introduction to Character Rigging in Maya” complete tutorial course. A complete guide for you to learn the fundamentals of rigging and Character rigging.


My name is Marijan Tanevski, I am 3D character rigging artist for game and TV projects with nearly a decade of rigging experience, I have provided various rigging work for many projects.


By the end of this course, you will be able to rig a basic character using Maya.

In this course, we will cover

  • Maya Rigging Essential
  • A Practical character rigging project

    • We`re going to explore the Maya`s rigging section, how to use the Maya`s rigging tools, constraints, and create a character rig from scratch! Through this journey, we`ll learn the Maya starting from the very basics. How objects are structured, how to make connections, what are deformers, and much more!

      Once you learn the core essentials of rigging, we will start the character rigging project. Everything will be step by step, real-time and I will not skip anything so that you can easily follow along with the course. I will also give all the exercise files for each lecture video so that you can use those to practice alongside watching the videos.


      You need to have Maya basic knowledge in o
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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
2 hours 30 minutes