Leather Coat (Retopo) - ZPRJ+OBJ+FBX+SPP
Files include: .Obj .Fbx .Zprj .Spp highpoly/lowpoly
The modeling has been done using marvelous designer. Retopolgy has been done to create regular and quad mesh, in forms of lowpoly and highpoly Also, all materials are available in png format, 4K and 16bit. Substance painter files have also been uploaded. Blender format is also available, in which the Lowpoly and Highpoly models are placed on top of each other. (in two separate collections with High and Low prefixes).
Leather Coat (Retopo) - ZPRJ+OBJ+FBX+SPP
Leather Coat (Retopo) - ZPRJ+OBJ+FBX+SPP
Files include: .Obj .Fbx .Zprj .Spp highpoly/lowpoly
The modeling has been done using marvelous designer. Retopolgy has been done to create regular and quad mesh, in forms of lowpoly and highpoly Also, all materials are available in png format, 4K and 16bit. Substance painter files have also been uploaded. Blender format is also available, in which the Lowpoly and Highpoly models are placed on top of each other. (in two separate collections with High and Low prefixes).