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Line to Painting

(13 ratings)
Product description

Line to Painting

Line to Painting

30 minute demonstration on how I take a basic line sketch to colored painting in photoshop CC. Covers how to manage layers, and when you should actually paint over your lines.
  • Hi-res PSD JPG.
  • Photoshop Brushes and tool presets
  • PSD/JPG of the faced more developed.

Line to Painting

Product description

Line to Painting

Line to Painting

30 minute demonstration on how I take a basic line sketch to colored painting in photoshop CC. Covers how to manage layers, and when you should actually paint over your lines.
  • Hi-res PSD JPG.
  • Photoshop Brushes and tool presets
  • PSD/JPG of the faced more developed.
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