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Lobo - 3D Character in Blender Tutorial

(245 ratings)
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4 ratings

Lobo - 3D Character in Blender Tutorial

Hello guys, and you are probably wondering who is this guy?

This is Lobo, and he is the character we will do entirely in Blender in this tutorial!

He is also a bit crazy, so don't think of not taking this tutorial, coz he might get angry!

In this tutorial you will get over 30 hours of realtime sculpting and modelling in Blender, with the purpose of having a ready model for rendering or 3D printing.

Now again probably you are wondering who is your mentor?

His name is Niko, and he is a 3D character artist and educator with over 15 years in the game industry. He has over 20 000 students in his online tutorials of 3D character creation and human anatomy.

And also a youtube channel with over 50 000 subscribers. 

The amazing concept for this character is done by the incredible artist Dario Jelušić

In the tutorial we will start a bit differently with gathering our references, needed for the character creation, and analyzing our concept. We will then start modelling the head, the teeth and tongue. Then we will model the body, arms and legs, where i will speak about the anatomy and shapes of those body parts. After, we will make the basic shape of the dog and continue with the clothes. We will do Lobo's belt, jacket, potnik and pants. A hardsurface modelling will be next when we make the granade and the weapon. Then we will jump to do some knee armor, shoelases, and all kinds of elements this character has on himself, and there wil

Lobo - 3D Character in Blender Tutorial

Product description
4 ratings

Lobo - 3D Character in Blender Tutorial

Hello guys, and you are probably wondering who is this guy?

This is Lobo, and he is the character we will do entirely in Blender in this tutorial!

He is also a bit crazy, so don't think of not taking this tutorial, coz he might get angry!

In this tutorial you will get over 30 hours of realtime sculpting and modelling in Blender, with the purpose of having a ready model for rendering or 3D printing.

Now again probably you are wondering who is your mentor?

His name is Niko, and he is a 3D character artist and educator with over 15 years in the game industry. He has over 20 000 students in his online tutorials of 3D character creation and human anatomy.

And also a youtube channel with over 50 000 subscribers. 

The amazing concept for this character is done by the incredible artist Dario Jelušić

In the tutorial we will start a bit differently with gathering our references, needed for the character creation, and analyzing our concept. We will then start modelling the head, the teeth and tongue. Then we will model the body, arms and legs, where i will speak about the anatomy and shapes of those body parts. After, we will make the basic shape of the dog and continue with the clothes. We will do Lobo's belt, jacket, potnik and pants. A hardsurface modelling will be next when we make the granade and the weapon. Then we will jump to do some knee armor, shoelases, and all kinds of elements this character has on himself, and there wil

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Tutorial Details
Skill Level
24 hours