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Magic FX 2 Brush Set

Zsolt Kosa
(21 ratings)
Product description

Magic FX 2 Brush Set

60 hi-res unique photoshop brushes

Plus a Sample workflow .psd file to achive the magic effect

Ideal for sketches and concept art, good base for illustrations

Not only Stamp overlays, you can actually paint with them

Compatible with Photoshop CC+ and Procreate 5.0+ as well

Have fun! :)

Magic FX 2 Brush Set

Product description

Magic FX 2 Brush Set

60 hi-res unique photoshop brushes

Plus a Sample workflow .psd file to achive the magic effect

Ideal for sketches and concept art, good base for illustrations

Not only Stamp overlays, you can actually paint with them

Compatible with Photoshop CC+ and Procreate 5.0+ as well

Have fun! :)

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