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Medieval Sword BaseMesh (IMM brush + ABR brush+ OBJ ) VOL 01

(39 ratings)
Product description

Medieval Sword BaseMesh (IMM brush + ABR brush+ OBJ ) VOL 01

This pack contains sword base mesh. base mesh objects can help you to work faster and buy you some time for making the bases of an object.

in this pack, you will get 10 swords with little details and some of them have more details than base meshes to make you faster

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Medieval Sword BaseMesh (IMM brush + ABR brush+ OBJ ) VOL 01

Product description

Medieval Sword BaseMesh (IMM brush + ABR brush+ OBJ ) VOL 01

This pack contains sword base mesh. base mesh objects can help you to work faster and buy you some time for making the bases of an object.

in this pack, you will get 10 swords with little details and some of them have more details than base meshes to make you faster

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