Neon Signs Asset Pack
Asset Library:
All 25 neon signs are added as assets in Blender's asset browser. All of the objects for each neon sign is added into there own collection. The collections are added as assets, with custom thumbnails.
All of the objects for each Neon Sign is parented to a sphere empty. You can select and move the sphere empty to move the entire sign.
All of the Neon Signs have a wire attached to a power supply. The wire is a curve object, so you can edit the curve handles in edit mode, to place the wire where you want in your scene.
Render Engine:
The Neon signs were created with the Cycles render engine.
● Neon Signs Blender File
● 25 Neon Sign Assets
● Open Sign Blender File (From Tutorial)
● Procedural Smooth Concrete Files
● All 25 Asset Thumbnails
● HDRI Lighting
● Final Renders
To learn how to make Neon Signs, you can watch the tutorial with the video preview.
Neon Signs Asset Pack
Neon Signs Asset Pack
Asset Library:
All 25 neon signs are added as assets in Blender's asset browser. All of the objects for each neon sign is added into there own collection. The collections are added as assets, with custom thumbnails.
All of the objects for each Neon Sign is parented to a sphere empty. You can select and move the sphere empty to move the entire sign.
All of the Neon Signs have a wire attached to a power supply. The wire is a curve object, so you can edit the curve handles in edit mode, to place the wire where you want in your scene.
Render Engine:
The Neon signs were created with the Cycles render engine.
● Neon Signs Blender File
● 25 Neon Sign Assets
● Open Sign Blender File (From Tutorial)
● Procedural Smooth Concrete Files
● All 25 Asset Thumbnails
● HDRI Lighting
● Final Renders
To learn how to make Neon Signs, you can watch the tutorial with the video preview.