Old Town Architecture 300+ Reference Pictures
Environment reference pictures with different kinds of local architecture - from Georgia to France. 335 JPEG files
For: Landscape Studies, Concept Art, Illustration, Level Design.
Have a creative day!
Follow our Instagram: instagram.com/obscura_29/
Disclaimer: The buyer may not distribute, sublicense, rent, sell, or otherwise transfer the reference pictures to any third party (unless it is covered by the license).
Old Town Architecture 300+ Reference Pictures
Old Town Architecture 300+ Reference Pictures
Environment reference pictures with different kinds of local architecture - from Georgia to France. 335 JPEG files
For: Landscape Studies, Concept Art, Illustration, Level Design.
Have a creative day!
Follow our Instagram: instagram.com/obscura_29/
Disclaimer: The buyer may not distribute, sublicense, rent, sell, or otherwise transfer the reference pictures to any third party (unless it is covered by the license).