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Parametric Staggered Building Forms - Procedural architecture with Blender's Geometry Nodes

Product description

Parametric Staggered Building Forms - Procedural architecture with Blender's Geometry Nodes

In this course, you will learn specific strategies for generating numerous architectural massings with ease.

You will achieve this new knowledge by creating massings and concepts for a staggered building, mimicking the typical design ideation process that most professionals and students utilise for early stages of projects.

The goal of this course is to equip you with a series of workflow strategies that enable you to ideate and bring more of your ideas out more quickly and effectively.

At a glance: Learn a multi-step concept design workflow for generating staggered architectural massings, and developing them into presentable concepts
Topics: procedural parametric modeling, architectural modeling, Geometry Nodes, tessellations with the Tissue add-on
Software: Blender
Duration: 3 hours worth of lessons of recorded sessions,  + live Q&A sessions. Videos include english subtitles.
Preview: You can freely access the first lessons of the course below in the curriculum
Experience: Covers up to intermediate topics. Suitable for beginners. Basic Blender understanding preferred
Includes: Video lessons, Blender files, and assignments
Your instructor: Dimitar Pouchnikov, AIA, professional architect in London with over 12 years experience working on

Parametric Staggered Building Forms - Procedural architecture with Blender's Geometry Nodes

Product description

Parametric Staggered Building Forms - Procedural architecture with Blender's Geometry Nodes

In this course, you will learn specific strategies for generating numerous architectural massings with ease.

You will achieve this new knowledge by creating massings and concepts for a staggered building, mimicking the typical design ideation process that most professionals and students utilise for early stages of projects.

The goal of this course is to equip you with a series of workflow strategies that enable you to ideate and bring more of your ideas out more quickly and effectively.

At a glance: Learn a multi-step concept design workflow for generating staggered architectural massings, and developing them into presentable concepts
Topics: procedural parametric modeling, architectural modeling, Geometry Nodes, tessellations with the Tissue add-on
Software: Blender
Duration: 3 hours worth of lessons of recorded sessions,  + live Q&A sessions. Videos include english subtitles.
Preview: You can freely access the first lessons of the course below in the curriculum
Experience: Covers up to intermediate topics. Suitable for beginners. Basic Blender understanding preferred
Includes: Video lessons, Blender files, and assignments
Your instructor: Dimitar Pouchnikov, AIA, professional architect in London with over 12 years experience working on

Tutorial Details
Skill Level