Physical Celestial Objects - Procedural Planets
Physical Celestial Objects lets you create physically accurate planets on a real scale with just a few clicks.
- Add celestial bodies
- Choose how the planet looks by setting image Textures (Albedo, Roughness, Height map, Emission)
- Set the radius and rotation
- Position planet using either
- Global position (x, y, z)
- Relative to the viewer (distance, azimuth, elevation)
- Elliptical orbit (select another planet, object, or point to orbit around)
- Enable Atmosphere and adjust the settings
- Enable Rings
No compromise precision
You are free to scale up your planets using real-world measurements and distances without having to worry about precision loss, z-flighting, and shadow distances.
Cinematic Atmosphere
Our atmosphere is built with a multi-layer system in mind. You can individually assign properties to each layer to build your own unique atmospheres. Our physics based ray-marcher takes care of mixing it all together.
Procedural Rings
Planetary rings can be customized to build eye-catching worlds. Rings interact with the atmosphere and the planet surface - cast shadows and indirect light.
Lighting and Shadows
Our planet surface lighting model is based on ‘Hapke BRDF’
Physical Celestial Objects - Procedural Planets
Physical Celestial Objects - Procedural Planets
Physical Celestial Objects lets you create physically accurate planets on a real scale with just a few clicks.
- Add celestial bodies
- Choose how the planet looks by setting image Textures (Albedo, Roughness, Height map, Emission)
- Set the radius and rotation
- Position planet using either
- Global position (x, y, z)
- Relative to the viewer (distance, azimuth, elevation)
- Elliptical orbit (select another planet, object, or point to orbit around)
- Enable Atmosphere and adjust the settings
- Enable Rings
No compromise precision
You are free to scale up your planets using real-world measurements and distances without having to worry about precision loss, z-flighting, and shadow distances.
Cinematic Atmosphere
Our atmosphere is built with a multi-layer system in mind. You can individually assign properties to each layer to build your own unique atmospheres. Our physics based ray-marcher takes care of mixing it all together.
Procedural Rings
Planetary rings can be customized to build eye-catching worlds. Rings interact with the atmosphere and the planet surface - cast shadows and indirect light.
Lighting and Shadows
Our planet surface lighting model is based on ‘Hapke BRDF’