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Pixel Art Brushes, Patterns & Perfect Pixel Layer Style for Photoshop

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Pixel Art Brushes, Patterns & Perfect Pixel Layer Style for Photoshop

Pixel Art Brushes for Photoshop.

This is a free set of brushes for Pixel Art creation in Photoshop, plus a layer style to create "Perfect Pixel" outlines and a set of "Pixel" patterns.

Photoshop is not the best choice for Pixel Art, but with this, at least, i could avoid some issues and repetitive tasks. Others Pixel Art tools such as Pro Motion NG or Aseprite have been designed to work with in the correct way, offering Perfect Pixel shapes, lines, strokes, etc.

Using Photoshop, It's recommended to press the key "Shift" while we are using 1 pixel brushes in order to have a Perfect Pixel poly-line. It may be not perfect at all, but we don't need to do too much "pixel cleaning".

With the layer style i'm sharing, you can make without hassle or effort outlined shapes of 1px, 100% Perfect Pixel. We only need to paint forms, and Photoshop will do the rest.

And that's all, try the brushes, experiment, and paint!.

Have fun!

Pixel Art Brushes, Patterns & Perfect Pixel Layer Style for Photoshop

Product description

Pixel Art Brushes, Patterns & Perfect Pixel Layer Style for Photoshop

Pixel Art Brushes for Photoshop.

This is a free set of brushes for Pixel Art creation in Photoshop, plus a layer style to create "Perfect Pixel" outlines and a set of "Pixel" patterns.

Photoshop is not the best choice for Pixel Art, but with this, at least, i could avoid some issues and repetitive tasks. Others Pixel Art tools such as Pro Motion NG or Aseprite have been designed to work with in the correct way, offering Perfect Pixel shapes, lines, strokes, etc.

Using Photoshop, It's recommended to press the key "Shift" while we are using 1 pixel brushes in order to have a Perfect Pixel poly-line. It may be not perfect at all, but we don't need to do too much "pixel cleaning".

With the layer style i'm sharing, you can make without hassle or effort outlined shapes of 1px, 100% Perfect Pixel. We only need to paint forms, and Photoshop will do the rest.

And that's all, try the brushes, experiment, and paint!.

Have fun!

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