Robo Rabbit
This product contains a Rabbit robot with Two texture sets+FBX vray and 3dsmax scene . it has 186.648 polys . Created in 3dsmax with hard surface methods with quad clean topology Subdivided Mesh and unwrapped in Rizmo uv . Texuring processed in Substance painter
This product is suitable for character designers and every one who is interested in sci fi and hardsurface modeling.
Robo Rabbit
Robo Rabbit
This product contains a Rabbit robot with Two texture sets+FBX vray and 3dsmax scene . it has 186.648 polys . Created in 3dsmax with hard surface methods with quad clean topology Subdivided Mesh and unwrapped in Rizmo uv . Texuring processed in Substance painter
This product is suitable for character designers and every one who is interested in sci fi and hardsurface modeling.