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Staff Pick

Scars HQ Brush Pack

Rob Erto
(0 ratings)
Product description

Scars HQ Brush Pack

High Quality Brushes for creating different types of scars or burned skin. Great to push details of the sculpt and anatomy to the next level!

What you get:

- 10 VDB  Scars brushes

-  3  Stroke Roll Scars brushes

You need Zbrush 4R8 or higher due to VDM 3D alpha 

 As always thank you for you support  :) Enjoy!

Staff Pick

Scars HQ Brush Pack

Product description

Scars HQ Brush Pack

High Quality Brushes for creating different types of scars or burned skin. Great to push details of the sculpt and anatomy to the next level!

What you get:

- 10 VDB  Scars brushes

-  3  Stroke Roll Scars brushes

You need Zbrush 4R8 or higher due to VDM 3D alpha 

 As always thank you for you support  :) Enjoy!

Product Details