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SciFi Grip Plates - .sbs, .sbsar and Textures

Carel Jordaan
(18 ratings)
Product description

SciFi Grip Plates - .sbs, .sbsar and Textures

100 % Substance Designer ver. 13.0.0

This package contain:

.sbs material project file with a lot of options.
.sbsar material file with a lot of options.
.sbs project file without the base material.
.sbsar file without the base material.

10 x PBR Sample Sets I created with it.

SciFi Grip Plates - .sbs, .sbsar and Textures

Product description

SciFi Grip Plates - .sbs, .sbsar and Textures

100 % Substance Designer ver. 13.0.0

This package contain:

.sbs material project file with a lot of options.
.sbsar material file with a lot of options.
.sbs project file without the base material.
.sbsar file without the base material.

10 x PBR Sample Sets I created with it.

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