Skeleton warrior2
Skeleton_warior2 Low_poly character redy for game animation for Unreal engine and Unity the package includes 5 kinds of animation: (Humanoid rig)
also the character has settings (Epic rig) for UNREAL ENGINE 4 the implements and body are exported separately then snapped to the arms using a SOCKET
Humanoid rig animated
- Jump
- Redy_atack_idle
- Run
- Walk
- idle
- Albedo
- Gloss
- AO
- Normal
- Metalic+gloss
- Metalic
- Specular
- Rougnes
- Maya
- Obj
- Fbx
- 3DsMax
- UE4 (epic rig)
- Unity
- fbx+anim
PBR textures
Body (4096x4096) Armor (4096x4096) Weapon (4096x4096)
low_poly base_mesh polygon - 12160 Vertex 11488 shield poly - 1444 vertex - 790 axe poly - 4959 vertex - 5092
Skeleton warrior2
Skeleton warrior2
Skeleton_warior2 Low_poly character redy for game animation for Unreal engine and Unity the package includes 5 kinds of animation: (Humanoid rig)
also the character has settings (Epic rig) for UNREAL ENGINE 4 the implements and body are exported separately then snapped to the arms using a SOCKET
Humanoid rig animated
- Jump
- Redy_atack_idle
- Run
- Walk
- idle
- Albedo
- Gloss
- AO
- Normal
- Metalic+gloss
- Metalic
- Specular
- Rougnes
- Maya
- Obj
- Fbx
- 3DsMax
- UE4 (epic rig)
- Unity
- fbx+anim
PBR textures
Body (4096x4096) Armor (4096x4096) Weapon (4096x4096)
low_poly base_mesh polygon - 12160 Vertex 11488 shield poly - 1444 vertex - 790 axe poly - 4959 vertex - 5092