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Sofa Moroso AeroZeppelin by Diesel
Sofa Moroso AeroZeppelin by Diesel
Polis: 168 578
Verts: 174,628
Link: https: //moroso.it/prodotti/aerozeppelin-divano/? Lang = en
In the Archive: MAX2016 / OBJ / textures fie
MAX file weight: 35.0mb
Vray curvature map applied in material supported with VRAY 3.6
Sofa Moroso AeroZeppelin by Diesel
Personal License
For use on personal projects
Files (1)
23.7 MB
Total size: 23.7 MB
Commercial License
For use on commercial projects
Files (1)
23.7 MB
Total size: 23.7 MB
Sofa Moroso AeroZeppelin by Diesel
Sofa Moroso AeroZeppelin by Diesel
Polis: 168 578
Verts: 174,628
Link: https: //moroso.it/prodotti/aerozeppelin-divano/? Lang = en
In the Archive: MAX2016 / OBJ / textures fie
MAX file weight: 35.0mb
Vray curvature map applied in material supported with VRAY 3.6