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Splash FX for Maya

(43 ratings)
Product description

Splash FX for Maya

Update: 06/17/2024 Version1.3.0 fixed crossed wires in splashA and B, added "allow override" attribute, removed 'orig' nodes

Update: 06/04/2022 Fixed transform nodes in splashA
This is an 8-asset pack seperated into 3 files, each with independent animation controls. Contains "Splash_A", "Splash_B" and "Bloop" This is good for splashes which surround an object, and need to clearly have water in front and behind.  The "bloop" is a tiny droplet.  Contains "Front" and "back".  Like Splash A , good for object splashes but with a different design. Contains three elements making an"upshoot" style splash, this is more of a secondary effect for wake against a boat or detail foam around a geyser.

Combined, these eight splash effects should give you as much variation and mileage as you'd need for any film or game project.  The assets are exportable as alembic, and have a very simple UV setup should you require to apply some kind of texture.

These are "Camera-facing" assets and while they are fully sculpted in 3D, they are not meant to be shot from the side and have no motion blur data.  There's about 45 degrees of freedom to rotate before they start to appear flat - so in this way these spla

Splash FX for Maya

Product description

Splash FX for Maya

Update: 06/17/2024 Version1.3.0 fixed crossed wires in splashA and B, added "allow override" attribute, removed 'orig' nodes

Update: 06/04/2022 Fixed transform nodes in splashA
This is an 8-asset pack seperated into 3 files, each with independent animation controls. Contains "Splash_A", "Splash_B" and "Bloop" This is good for splashes which surround an object, and need to clearly have water in front and behind.  The "bloop" is a tiny droplet.  Contains "Front" and "back".  Like Splash A , good for object splashes but with a different design. Contains three elements making an"upshoot" style splash, this is more of a secondary effect for wake against a boat or detail foam around a geyser.

Combined, these eight splash effects should give you as much variation and mileage as you'd need for any film or game project.  The assets are exportable as alembic, and have a very simple UV setup should you require to apply some kind of texture.

These are "Camera-facing" assets and while they are fully sculpted in 3D, they are not meant to be shot from the side and have no motion blur data.  There's about 45 degrees of freedom to rotate before they start to appear flat - so in this way these spla

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