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Steampunk Tank

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Product description

Steampunk Tank

An armored vehicle inspired by an old armored vehicle with esthetics steampunks ready for a game engine used 4 materials, down of the tank, top of the tank, shovel and axe materials it has 33406 verts, 62289 edges. 29532 polys and 57720 tris I included the OBJ, FBX and Ma files the textures are PBR with the mention of the 4 materials

if you need 3d game assets or stl files I can do commission works.

Steampunk Tank

Product description

Steampunk Tank

An armored vehicle inspired by an old armored vehicle with esthetics steampunks ready for a game engine used 4 materials, down of the tank, top of the tank, shovel and axe materials it has 33406 verts, 62289 edges. 29532 polys and 57720 tris I included the OBJ, FBX and Ma files the textures are PBR with the mention of the 4 materials

if you need 3d game assets or stl files I can do commission works.